Graphics are sold separately through the Print Store which is independently owned by a leading national graphics company. Their design team provides free design assistance, including for our BUILD-A-TRON™ DIY builders, and they will help you design your graphics any way you wish. A complete set of graphics will cost between $165 - $460 depending on your Mini Jumbotron® model and the number of separate designs you choose to incorporate into your set of graphics.
To start the design process, please send an email to the Print Store design team:
​Please include the following information in your initial email:
Mini Jumbotron® Order #: (Required)​
Model & Size: (Required) ex: Macrotron 32" + Ring of Honor​
You Must Attach Logos: (Required) The design team can sharpen & fix your logos but you must provide the logos for each team or brand that you want incorporated into your designs. You may choose to have a different design/team for each piece but this will increase the final cost a little.​
Print Store Credentials: (Required) Create a Print Store account and provide your username & password to the design team so they can upload your final graphic designs to your shopping cart. Please do not attempt to use the designer tool as it is a bit difficult to use.​
Colors & Text: In addition to your logos, please provide specific colors, text and any other specifics you would like incorporated into your designs. Or you may ask the design team to work up an entire design for you with your provided logos.​​
Please allow 3 business days to receive a response and proof from the Print Store design team. You will have an opportunity to request edits and approve the final design before the graphics will be loaded to your Print Store shopping cart for purchase. Before finalizing your purchase of graphics, please double check to make sure the graphics in your shopping cart are for the correct Mini Jumbotron® model/size and that the quantities of each graphic is correct. The graphics usually print and ship within 2-3 days of your graphics purchase.
We can't wait to see your designs! Please text pics and videos to 623-606-6176.